The Girl With No Colour - Bilingue

Mimi was adopted when she was a baby, but she only finds this out when she is six years old. She asks her parents why she is diferent from them and why her skin is dark. Upon this...


Three pieces of thematically linked music

Tryina Eat

Three guys who love food and eating, talking about anything and everything under the sun. We argue, a lot, but while we usually end up agreeing about most things, it takes a while...

Tem Trilha Pra Tudo

Seu podcast bem humorado trazendo análises de produtos do Cinema, TV, Literatura, HQs, Mangás entre outros, comparando a trilha do produto com outras trilhas que combinam com...

Trinas Tea

I'm basically what u call the Queen of all tea

The Troika Of Terror

A Comedy Podcast Starring comedian Angry Bob - abandon all hope, ye who enter here!!!

Troika: The Power Of Brands

The Power of Brands. Each new episode will dive into current issues that we face as marketers from audience insights, fandom, content, the creative state of our art, and much more.

A Menina Sem Cor

Mimi foi adotada ainda bebê, mas só descobre esse fato aos seis anos, ao perguntar aos pais por que, diferente deles, ela tem a pele escura. Após essa descoberta, Mimi passa a...

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