The Moneychangers

Montague, a member of the elite class of New York witnesses insider trading and manipulation of the stock market by a high financier Dan Waterman who is motivated by revenge. A...

Sylvia's Marriage: A Novel

A novel that frankly is devoted to the illustration of the dangers that society runs through the marriage of unsound men with unsuspecting women. The time has gone by when any...

The Moneychangers

Upton Sinclair's disturbing novel about the Wall Street scare of 1907 portrays the tactics of greedy capitalists who organize the fall of a rival trust company, creating a...

The Metropolis

A young lawyer, Allan Montague moves to New York City from Mississippi, along with his mother and cousin Alice. He joins his younger brother Oliver, who had taken up residence...

The Profits Of Religion: An Essay In Economic Interpretation

An eye-opening condemnation of the economic sins of organized religion.Throughout his adult life Upton Sinclair was an unapologetic idealist and a tireless crusader for the rights...

Cos'e’ Dio Per Me: Un Tentativo Di Porre Le Basi Di Una Religione Razionale

Con questo libro, denso di pensiero, il grande scrittore nord-americano, Upton Sinclair, tenta di prospettare ai suoi lettori una concezione razionale di Dio e della Religione. In...

La Cura Del Digiuno (tradotto)

Indice dei Contenuti: Prefazione Salute perfetta Una lettera al New York Times Alcune note sul digiuno Il digiuno ed i medici Gli umori del digiuno Un simposio sul digiunare...

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