Mulher Aonde Vais? Convém

Ter a possibilidade de ler Mulher, aonde vais? Convém? é ter o privilégio de ser tomada(o) pela mão para incursionar pelos labirintos femininos, lugares esses onde se pode...

Conversations With Dr. Walker

I help people find their voices, redefine their lives, and live in their purpose on purpose.

Walker Wednesday

Walking Dead Discussions

Code Name: Johnny Walker

This is the unforgettable story of how an ordinary Iraqi became a hero to America's elite warriors—and how that debt was repaid with the gift of freedom. He was the seals'...

Mrs. Walkers Wonderful Words

Mrs. Walker will be reading books from current books read in class. Happy listening!

Camera Ready With Val Brown

Learn from Emmy Award winner Val Brown about how to look, feel and sound your best in front of the camera. Whether its for social media, headshots or television, learn what you...

Dive Deep With Val & Marie

Dive Deep is a podcast where Val Tott and Marie Sayas, two young New York natives, tackle and debate over everyday situations with a witty spin. Tune in for a good laugh, good...

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