Protective Aura For Deep Sleep: A Guided Yogic Meditation

It is the depth and relaxation in sleep that counts. This audio track will help you engage in meditation before falling to sleep, as during sleep the Man leaves the physical form...

Yoga Nidra: Sensation Awareness Mediation

Yoga Nidra offers holistic approach to relaxation. Sleep alone doesn't always provide a complete state of relaxation. Techniques used during Yoga Nidra meditation remove...

Soul Consciousness: A Guided Meditation

The real Self is not the body or even the mind of man. These things are but a part of his personality, the lesser self. The real Self is independent of the body, which it...

Dolphin Meditation: Relax With Dolphins And Ocean Waves

Dolphins have always been remarkably friendly and social with humans. They are warm-blooded mammals just like humans. Play is an important part of dolphins' lives, and they...

Gentle Coyote Howling In Wild Prairies

The coyote is smaller than its close relative, the gray wolf, and slightly smaller than the closely related eastern wolf and red wolf. The coyote holds title of being the most...

Wanna Wanna Fly

Photographs of two birds Southern Lapwings flying over the world, discovering animals and mysteries.

Kiss The Ground: How The Food You Eat Can Reverse Climate Change, Heal Your Body & Ultimately Save Our World

From Josh Tickell, one of America’s most celebrated documentary filmmakers, comes a “fascinating, easy-to-follow blueprint for how eating in ways that nourish and...

The Wild Trees: A Story Of Passion And Daring [abridged]

Hidden away in foggy, uncharted rain forest valleys in Northern California are the largest and tallest organisms the world has ever sustained -- the coast redwood trees, Sequoia...

Fire On The Mountain [abridged]

On the morning of July 3, 1994, the site of a forest fire on Storm King Mountain in Colorado was wrongly recorded by the district's Bureau of Land Management office as taking...

My Tropic Isle

With publication of his first book in 1908, The Confessions of a Beachcomber, Banfield won international attention as a conservationist and defender of nature, a theme he...

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