A thrilling exposé recounting how members of Opus Dei—a secretive, ultra-conservative Catholic sect—pushed its radical agenda within the Church and around the...
"Patti Murin's joyful and animated narration will put listeners in the holiday spirit as young professional Mae contemplates the awkward make-out session that ruined her...
This reading group guide for Invisible Girl includes an introduction, discussion questions, and ideas for enhancing your book club. The suggested questions are intended to help...
A Simon & Schuster audiobook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every listener.
Rupi Kaur performs the first-ever recording of the sun and her flowers, her second #1 New York Times bestselling collection of poetry and prose. This production was recorded in...
This reading group guide for The Family Remains includes an introduction, discussion questions, ideas for enhancing your book club, and a Q&A with author Lisa Jewell. The...
‘Thank God it's funny. If it wasn't, I'd be too scared to sleep. Tracey brings her sparkling wit and journalist's critical eye to this Frankenstein's...
A young girl navigates her odd small town of Blight Harbor and the eerie parallel world of ghouls in this perfectly spooky middle grade series in the spirit...
In this fantasy adventure set in 1700s Norway perfect for fans of Netflix’s Hilda and Rick Riordan’s Magnus Chase series, a girl and her unlikely companions brave the...
An in-depth, authoritative, and timely look at the unprecedented economic war the US and its European allies are waging against Russia after Putin’s invasion of...