Raped Black Male tells my story of being homeless and struggling to overcome depression while coming to terms with being sexually assaulted by my sister at age eight. Beginning in...
"Motivating and Inspiring"“Andy’s story tells us that mental health can affect everyone and we can get through difficult times.”"Powerful and positive. Your journey filled...
Too often we feel alone in this world. When life puts an obstacle in our path we fear that we will appear weak of we ask for help. This is so common, so why don't we ever speak...
Being Real is a MEMOIR of a Christian 'Journey of Discipleship'. It is a collage of stories interwoven with principles learnt over an extended period of 40 years in missions and...
Take a heart-wrenching yet inspiring ride through one woman’s incredible journey that is so compelling that you are simultaneously trying to look away and unable to stop...
Broken ? Is the sequel to Behind The Smile a Memoir of my life. Upon completion of Behind The Smile I have had many people tell me stories of how they were able to relate to...
“I love her courage and heart! Funny, poignant, wise, and woke—an ideal travel companion.”—Joan Walsh (The Nation, CNN)Joyful and informative Places I Remember: Tales,...
Sometimes divorce happens. Sometimes it’s not the end. In "Rock Paper Scissors: Scenes from a Charmed Divorce," Cathia Friou takes readers through an intimate series of...
Ever since the Alibaba Group went public on September 19, 2014—with an initial public offering of a record-breaking $25 billion—Jack Ma, the founder and charismatic "spiritual...
A music prodigy, head of her class, and well-liked in school, Emily Paulson decided early that embellishment paved the road to success. As she grew up, she figured out how to make...