The novel describes the life of a young man living through the revolution of 1848 and the founding of the Second French Empire, and his love for an older woman. Flaubert based...
The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists chronicles the tale of Frank Owen, a traveling socialist visionary making his way from town to town in the name of the socialist revolution....
"Flynn demonstrates that he truly understands the psyche of the enemy.... Really scary, so realistic." -- BOOKREPORTER.COM
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The stunning debut novel from one of the most creative artists of our generation, Bobby Hall, a.k.a. Logic. “Bobby Hall has crafted a...
From bestselling ABA author Noel Hynd comes this new series set against the backdrop of Havana, an explosive capital city of faded charm locked in the past and torn by political...
It's two o'clock in the morning when Andrew Gulliver gets a phone call from his mother, who tells him his twin sister, Annie, is gone. This is not the first time. Ever since she...
"Beyond the Wall of Sleep" is a short story by American writer H. P. Lovecraft written in 1919 and first published in the amateur publication Pine...
Archaic spelling also translated more literally as Fathers and Children, is an 1862 novel by Ivan Turgenev, one of his best-known works. The fathers and children of the novel...
Emma Bovary, a doctor's wife, has a highly romanticized view of the world and craves beauty, wealth, passion, and high society. The disparity between these romantic ideals and the...
Chance is a novel by Joseph Conrad, published in 1913. Chance is narrated by Conrad's regular narrator, Charles Marlow, but is characterised by a complex, nested narrative in...