“With this charming, sardonic debut, stand up comedian and actor Todd Barry makes readers laugh as hard as the audiences at his shows” (Publishers Weekly) in this...
Everyone’s favorite houseguest who never left, Leon Black (played by award-winning comedian JB Smoove on HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm) drops his wisdom and good-bad...
SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE FROM 20TH CENTURY FOX Two reckless but lovable all-American bros make a strong case for maturing slowly through their outrageous yet enlightening...
The best gift for the dudes and bros in your life: the fratire New York Times bestseller Assholes Finish First, featuring twenty-five new and exclusive stories by Tucker Max.What...
You know those subtle tricks your coworkers are all guilty of? The constant nodding, pretend concentration, useless rhetorical questions? These tricks make them seem like they...
BEST HEARD ON AN EMPTY STOMACH Jim Norton is a pervert in the truest sense of the word. The physical equivalent of a tall slug, he pays top dollar for massages with happy...
Grammy Award Nominee for Best Spoken Word Album!We all know Drew Carey from his award-winning stand-up career, and his hit television show, but do we really Drew Carey, the...
“One of the funniest—and most subversive—books of the year” (Esquire): Megan Amram, a writer for Parks and Recreation, delivers a politically,...
From an award-winning playwright “who splits the difference between David Rakoff and Larry David” (New York magazine)—a “compulsively readable debut”...
Comedienne Mo'Nique, the bold, classy, sitcom star, Queen of Comedy, and two-time NAACP Image Award winner is at it again. This time she proves once and for all that Skinny Women...