A General Introduction To Psychoanalysis

Freud's timeless lectures on psychoanalytic thought, dream interpretation, and his theory of the neuroses are presented here in their authoritative translation to English by...

Introvert's Road To Leadership: The Power Of Being Quiet

Being an introvert can be challenging. It can lead to questioning yourself and your ability to lead others around you in a competitive environment.Laurie Cain sets out to explore...

Beating Adhd In Marriage

Is your ADHD starting to play a role in your marriage and causing negativity? This is part and parcel for many couples where one spouse is diagnosed with ADHD.To ensure your...

How To Fix A Broken Heart

Imagine if we treated broken hearts with the same respect and concern we have for broken arms? Psychologist Guy Winch urges us to rethink the way we deal with emotional pain,...

Who Are You, Really?: The Surprising Puzzle Of Personality

This fun, smart read for anyone eager to better understand (and improve) themselves argues that personality is driven not by nature nor nurture—but instead by the projects...

Why Buddhism Is True: The Science And Philosophy Of Meditation And Enlightenment

“What happens when someone steeped in evolutionary psychology takes a cool look at Buddhism?  If that person is, like Robert Wright, a gifted writer, the answer is this...

Embracing The Wide Sky: A Tour Across The Horizons Of The Mind [abridged]

From the New York Times bestselling author of Born on a Blue Day... Owner of "the most remarkable mind on the planet" (Entertainment Weekly), Daniel Tammet captivated...

Peripatetic Group Therapy Phenomenology And Psychopathology

Both the phenomeno-structural psychopathology and the peripatetic therapy, also known as therapeutic accompaniment, still are barely known by health professionals and students....

Approach To Neuropsychology

To speak of neuropsychology is to speak of one of the branches that has experienced the most growth in the past few years since it makes use of the advances of not only psychology...

Manipulation - Master The Art Of Persuasion -

Don't let yourself be the victim of manipulation!Today, there are only two types of people in this world – the manipulator and the one being manipulated. Manipulation is already...

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