She is beautiful, charismatic and destroys every man who dares to pursue her. Before the character of femme fatale was coined in American cinema, Émile Zola captured the...
Nana tells the story of Nana Coupeau's rise from streetwalker to high-class cocotte during the last three years of the French Second Empire. We first meet Nana at the tender...
Émile Édouard Charles Antoine Zola (2 April 1840 – 29 September 1902) was a French novelist, playwright, journalist, the most well-known practitioner of the...
Émile Édouard Charles Antoine Zola (2 April 1840 – 29 September 1902) was a French novelist, playwright, journalist, the most well-known practitioner of the...
In Zola's series dedicated to the four cardinal principles of human life, this novel deals with the creation of a home and compliments faith, hope, and charity. Critics...
The Fortune of the Rougons (French: La Fortune des Rougon), originally published in 1871, is the first novel in Émile Zola's monumental twenty-volume series Les...
Émile Édouard Charles Antoine Zola (2 April 1840 – 29 September 1902) was a French novelist, playwright, journalist, the best-known practitioner of the...
The Dream by Emile Zola. Le rêve is a simple tale of the orphan Angélique Marie (b. 1851), adopted by a couple of embroiderers, the Huberts, whose marriage is...
The Fat And The Thin, also known as Le Ventre de Paris(1873) is the third novel in Émile Zola's twenty-volume series Les Rougon-Macquart. It is set in and around Les...
'Germinal', often considered Zola’s masterpiece, tells the story of Etienne Lantier, a bright however uneducated young man with a volatile temperament who has just lost his job...