The object of this little book is first of all to remind all Christian workers of the greatness and the glory of the work in which God gives a share. It is nothing less than that...
Andrew Murray was a man of prayer, that is, he fully lived his faith in the Lord Jesus and lived fully such practice to the point of intensely proving the power of prayer during...
In Like a Christ Andrew Murray presents 31 chapters a true manual of Christian life.This is an essential book for you who want to follow the footsteps of Jesus.
This book has been written with a deep impression that the place and power of prayer in the Christian life is too little understood. I feel sure that as long as we look on prayer...
This book is different from most books on raising children. It is a plea for the parents to truly know and walk with God – for them to love God and His Word. In the correct...
Jesus is still He who heals both soul and body. Salvation offers holiness and healing, and the Holy Spirit is willing to give us a manifestation of His power. When we ask why this...
God waits to bless us in a way beyond what we expect. From the beginning, ear has not heard, neither has the eye seen, what God has prepared for those who wait for Him (Isaiah...
Pray Without Ceasing. - Who can do this? How can one do it who is surrounded by the cares of daily life? How can a mother love her child without ceasing? How can the eyelid...
Meditations for a month in John 15: 1-16.This book is intended for all Christians who seek an experience of spiritual growth with the Lord Jesus.Presents Bible meditations based...
God has worked into every human heart a deep desire for perfection. That desire is manifested in the admiration which all men have for excellence in the different objects or...