In this thrilling New York Times bestselling video game series, travel to the Halo universe alongside the iconic protagonist—Master Chief—as he and the rest of the...
“Christopher Moore is a very sick man, in the very best sense of that word.”—Carl Hiassen“[Moore’s novels] deftly blend surreal, occult, and even...
“Hilarious, always inventive, this is a book for all, especially uptight English teachers, bardolaters, and ministerial students.” —Dallas Morning...
In this thrilling New York Times bestselling video game series, travel to the Halo universe alongside the iconic protagonist—Master Chief—as he and the rest of the...
In this thrilling New York Times bestselling video game series, travel to the Halo universe alongside the iconic protagonist—Master Chief—as he and the rest of the...
The second novel of the Kilo-Five Trilogy by #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Traviss—part of the expanded universe based on the award-winning video game series...
This astonishing collection of all-new tales by some of the most acclaimed writers at work today is called, simply, Stories. Edited by Neil Gaiman (Sandman, The Graveyard Book,...
New York Times bestselling author Christopher Moore channels William Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe in this satiric Venetian gothic featuring the irresistibly mischievous Pocket,...