The Panic’s Syndrome And The Hypoglycaemia
  • By Celso Battello
  • Publisher: Digitaliza

Hypoglycemia is a relatively unknown subject, getting an importance relegated to the background. The blood glucose lowering, contrary to what its name indicates, should not be...

Mrs. Fox, The Hairdresser
  • By E. Junior
  • Publisher: Digitaliza

In order to have the meal of her dreams, a cunning fox decides to execute her plan and opens a magnificent beauty parlor in the forest. She licks her chops while she waits for...

The Antioxidant Effect Orthomolecular In Homeopathy
  • By Celso Battello
  • Publisher: Digitaliza

It is experimentally demonstrated the homeopathic medicines antioxidant action in different dilutions in comparison with melatonin in various concentrations over the lipidic...

The Pillars Of The Iridology
  • By Celso Battello
  • Publisher: Digitaliza

Dr Celso Batello is a prolific author in natural medicine & iridology, and important facilitator of ideas & research - not just in Brasil, but across the globe. This is another...

Iridology - Gerontoxon In Children And Yougsters
  • By Celso Battello e Mauro Farto Fernandes
  • Publisher: Digitaliza

This book has investigated the presence of gerontoxon in mental disabled children and youngsters with down syndrome and other health disorders, and also in mentally healthy...

Iridology - Cardiac Disorders: Observational Study
  • By Celso Battello, Liane Beringhs e outros
  • Publisher: Digitaliza

This is an innovative work, correlating iridological signs with cardiovascular diseases. This is an observational study carried out at São Francisco Hospital, Brasilia, Brazil,...

Iridology - Advances: A New Triad
  • By Celso Battello
  • Publisher: Digitaliza

We are seeing the value of this work, which links the development of the three germ layers of the nervous and endocrine systems, forming a harmonious and interactive set, able to...

Iridology And Genetics: Express Psychic Biotypes And Pollyallely In The Iris
  • By Celso Battello e Marcia Regina Becker Dopke
  • Publisher: Digitaliza

The development of this book is based on exploitation search that reports Genetic and the standard psychical from Rayid method. The objective of the present search is to confirm...

  • By Lilian Fontes
  • Publisher: Digitaliza

Uma mulher branca, cientista social, professora de universidade, em seus trabalhos junto às comunidades, se apaixona por um negro, com quem tem uma filha. Ele, estudante de...

  • By Ney Campello
  • Publisher: Digitaliza

"Importa tecer, não importa quando". Com essa frase poética extraída do poema que dá nome ao livro "Tricô", o professor, poeta e escritor, Ney Campello, lança sua primeira...

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