Knowledge Of The Higher Worlds And Its Attainment
  • By Rudolf Steiner
  • Publisher: KKIEN Publ. Int.

Rudolf Steiner’s thought is central in world culture of the past century and has contributed to the growth of humanity through a very particular path. His studies have...

News From Nowhere
  • By William Morris
  • Publisher: KKIEN Publ. Int.

William Morris was highly eclectic: novelist, thinker, artist, politician, trend-setter in various subjects such as architecture, design, graphic and interior design. In this...

Double Destinies
  • By Giovanni Giudici
  • Publisher: KKIEN Publ. Int.

A surprising journey across continents, backwards and forwards in time....The Parisian writer Anatole France wondered whether chance was the pseudonym of God when He did not want...

Right Of Centre: Experiential Initiatives Of Action Learning
  • By Anand Upadhyay
  • Publisher: KKIEN Publ. Int.

Target Audience: This resource book is designed to benefit experiential educators in schools, colleges, universities and organisations.First time users: For those who have never...

Notebooks From China (and Much More) 2-2015
  • By Romeo Orlandi
  • Publisher: KKIEN Publ. Int.

The great Asian country is now a major player on the global chessboard for all businesses and for all markets. The watchful eye of Forchielli and Orlandi, two of the most...

A Woman With Three Souls
  • By Rosa Rosà
  • Publisher: KKIEN Publ. Int.

As a coherent development of the themes already expressed in the author's articles, A woman with three soulsis therefore an ironic prefiguration, in a futuristic and fantastic...

Tools For Conviviality
  • By Ivan Illich
  • Publisher: KKIEN Publ. Int.

For the never forgotten master Ivan Illich, born in Vienna in 1926, the convivial society is one in which the tools available to the community are lived and used by all the people...

Notebooks From China (and Much More): 1 -2014
  • By Romeo Orlandi
  • Publisher: KKIEN Publ. Int.

A careful look at what is happening in the vast Asian continent made up from two authoritative observers of that world to give us, in real time, a picture of what is about to...

The Teacher
  • By Thomas Aquinas
  • Publisher: KKIEN Publ. Int.

A good teacher will make the difference between learning by discovery and learning by instruction as narrow as possible. In other words he will assist his students in their...

The Cloud Of Unknowing
  • By Anonymous
  • Publisher: KKIEN Publ. Int.

Some things never change, including the human need to connect with our creator. Prayer and meditation on the divine are techniques that have been used for millennia to grow in the...

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