Chakra Healing Meditation Part 2: Guided Meditation To Learn The Throat & Heart Chakras, Learn To Love And Heal Yourself, And Cleanse Your Mind, Body & Spirit

Do you know what your heart truly wants? And if you did, would you know how to communicate it and be heard?Psychological surveys have found that 95% of people think they’re...

Lesbian: Theresa's True Passion

Theresa happily obeyed the orders, watching with widened eyes as the body below her buckled in spastic waves. With her own pussy warming into a torrent, she lowered her mouth and...

Skide Godt Egon

En podcast, der kaster et nørdet og kærligt blik på de 14 Olsen-Banden film.

En Egen Väg

Allt fler drömmer om ett annat sätt att leva och arbeta. Hela 20 % av svenska folket enligt en undersökning från Sifo. Vi på KODA tycker att fler borde göra verklighet av...

Egn Show

A podcast where we talk about everything that goes one in the entertainment world.This Podcast was created using

There's More To Life Than This: Healing Messages, Remarkable Stories, And Insight About The Other Side From The Long Island Medium

For fans of TLC’s Long Island Medium and anyone interested in the big questions of life, death, and finding out what’s important in between, New York Times bestselling...

Puppet-like Faces

He Pian Pian followed Lian Qi all the way to the palace, bypassing the complicated corridors of carved jade columns, and finally reached the banquet hall where the birthday party...

The Storm Of Endless Terror

No civilization can get involved in the universe, only the primitive civilization that is always in the Stone Age will not threaten the "limits" it protects.Only in this...

Pretend What Poor

That video is basically a fixed camera , staring at Lian Qiao alone.Lian Qiao was wearing a small black v-neck sleeveless dress when she was performing . Dark brown long hair was...

Shining Warriors And Doomsday

"It's urgent, I went out." Liu Yun interrupted him slowly, put down the fan slowly, grabbed the rag on the stove, wrapped the ears of the medicine jar, and put the...

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