Inspired by Hansel and Gretel, this spooky ghost story and touching debut investigates the gingerbread houses that we trap ourselves in when we don’t learn to love ourselves as...
The Circle's power has lured her home. . . .Forced to move from sunny California to gloomy New England, Cassie longs for her old life. Even so, she feels a strange kinship to a...
Things can never be the same again.The Spook and his apprentice, Thomas Ward, have returned to the county after a long journey and a hard battle. But their troubles are far from...
The devil you know . . . With the help of charming and devious Damon, Elena rescued her vampire love, Stefan, from the depths of the Dark Dimension. But neither brother returned...
On the run . . .Elena Gilbert's love, the vampire Stefan Salvatore, has been captured and imprisoned by demonic spirits who are wreaking havoc in Fell's Church. While her friends...
The hunters become the hunted. . . .Driven from their hometown of Mystic Falls, both Stefan Salvatore and his brother, Damon, arrived in Europe looking for a fresh start. But...
When Nadia's family moves to Captive's Sound, she instantly realizes there's more to the place than meets the eye. Descended from witches, Nadia can sense that a spell...
Haunted by the past . . .The year is 1888, and the scent of blood lingers heavy in the London air. Stefan Salvatore thought he could escape his violent origins by settling in the...
The Final Conflict...The Last Deadly KissElenaNow she rises from the dead to recreate the powerful vampire trio.StefanSummoned by Elena, he keeps a promise to her and fights the...
Caught in the struggle between good and evil . . . Cassie has joined the most alluring—and deadly—in-crowd imaginable. But power comes with a price, and it's more...