Through the Looking - Glass by Lewis Carroll. This 1872 sequel to Lewis Carroll's beloved Alice's Adventures in Wonderland finds the inquisitive heroine in a fantastic...
Entertain the whole family with this original, orchestrated, magical adventure!Imagine meeting up with some of your favorite fairy tale characters in an enchanted forest that...
“No one can mysteriously disappear leaving no trace. It isn’t realistic.”“You’re right, Emily,” her grandfather said thoughtfully. “It isn’t realistic. However, a...
Steve is back for the final battle against the terrible wither skeleton. After rescuing the witches and blacksmiths from their captivity in the Nether, Steve, Larry, and Alex know...
Life around Sophie was never boring. She did chants, read Tarot Cards and, to Amy’s and Julie’s surprise, during a séance Sophie had seemingly called up her dead Grandmother....
Ten years after Alex and Aaron Stowe brought peace to Quill and Artimé, their younger twin sisters journey beyond Artimé in the second novel in the New York Times and...
Explore how the universe began—and thwart evil along the way—in this cosmic adventure from Stephen and Lucy Hawking that includes a graphic novel.George has problems....
Now, children of all ages can enjoy the world of The Wraith, his friends and his enemies. A fun story and a fantastic learn-to-read aid, this will thrill generations of children...
Jake makes a Snow Alien at Christmas and the alien comes to life and takes Jake on an adventure.
The Bane Chronicles follows the adventures of immortal warlock Magnus Bane, a fan-favorite character from The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, and The Dark Artifices...