A sweeping and enchanting new novel from the widely beloved, award-winning author Elizabeth McCracken about three generations of an unconventional New England family who own and...
USA Today bestselling author Loretta Chase continues her Difficult Dukes series with this delightful spin on Shakespeare's classic, The Taming of the Shrew.This time, who’s...
A Most Anticipated Book From: OprahMag.com * Refinery 29 * Seattle Times * LitHub * Houston Chronicle * The...
This reading group guide for THE PRINCESS SPY includes an introduction, discussion questions, ideas for enhancing your book club, and a Q&A with author Larry Loftis. The suggested...
“One of the finest romance authors of all time.”—Julia QuinnNew York Times bestselling author Loretta Chase follows her historical romance gem, Silk is for...
This reading group guide for The Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl includes an introduction, discussion questions, and ideas for enhancing your book club. The suggested...
2018 Audie Award Finalist Winner of the 2018 Audie Award for Fantasy Based on some of literature’s horror and science fiction classics, this is the story of a remarkable...
In the sequel to the Nebula finalist The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter, Mary Jekyll and the rest of the daughters of mad scientists from literature embark on a...
Charlotte and Emily must enter a fantasy world that they invented in order to rescue their siblings in this adventurous and fiercely intelligent novel from the New York Times...
A powerful historical novel by the late Ariana Franklin and her daughter Samantha Norman, The Siege Winter is a tour de force mystery and murder, adventure and intrigue, a battle...